5 Secret Irish Magic Practices that actually work!

We all know of the Irish book burning, but hardly any of us really comprehend why it happened. During a time in history when many power-hungry individuals were trying to "Pinky and the Brain" the world; Irish "magic" was very much a threat. We all know from science that belief, thought and emotion all influence […]

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The Power of Daily Journaling Practice To Deepen Your Spiritual Connection

Have you ever wondered how to add a morning journaling practice to your daily routine?. Here is an example of how to start your day by embracing your inner self and diving into your intuition and connecting with spirit. It may be that not all of these examples will work for you in your life, […]

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The Divine Feminine

Ancient cultures utilised the feminine and this can be depicted within art and teachings, from Isis to Aine. Goddess traditions were very much part of ‘pre’ western culture.  We speak in personification of things like the earth and our language today still echoes these ancient traditions. Spiritual folk for example speak of the relationship to […]

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Use a Spiritual Reading in Auckland to Guide Decisions and make Progress in Your Spiritual Healing

Life is a journey. Some steps on that journey are so natural they happen all on their own — learning to walk, learning speech, even the act of "growing up" is part of the forward march of time. Other steps along the way provide a much greater challenge. It might be the passing of a […]

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