
where your future unfolds...

NZ Clairvoyants
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Pendragon have been helping others with readings for over 25 years,
with outstanding results.

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Susan Pendragon caught up with Lisa and Mikala @ Basically A Talk Show for their last podcast of the season.
Thank you for having me!

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  • Testimonial for Pendragon

    " I had a WONDERFUL experience with Pendragon Psychics and Tarot. I've had several readings and all were thoughtful and informative- it's incredible the support and information I get from these readings- so very intuitive and illuminating. Everyone is so professional and friendly. Susan is an especially wonderful medium and has shared many helpful and insightful messages with me. I've also had an incredible reading with Cat.
    I am looking forward to having another reading in the future. Thanks so much! 5 stars Plus!!."
    Annika K.

  • Testimonial for Amira

    "Amazing words from Amira! Sometimes you just gotta know what's out there and when things make no sense...I am glad I called Pendragon and got an idea of the path to take. And cleared doubts in my head 🥰 …"
    Ash S.
  • Testimonial for Dewi

    " I have had couple of reading with Dewi. She is such a lovely person to
    talk to. She listens and gives great insight. Her accuracy is spot on.
    Her reading are always beautiful and they come true. I would recommend
    her to anyone 😊

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