The Power of Daily Journaling Practice To Deepen Your Spiritual Connection

August 30, 2021

Have you ever wondered how to add a morning journaling practice to your daily routine?.

Here is an example of how to start your day by embracing your inner self and diving into your intuition and connecting with spirit. It may be that not all of these examples will work for you in your life, so I suggest you pull out the pieces that support you and leave the rest. There is no right or wrong way to do this process, the key is about creating time and space for yourself.

Start your day (Example)

  • 6.00 am (approximate)
  • During this time be open to 'Being', (in relationship with yourself)
  • Allow yourself to be divinely guided and to make the connection to YOUR Divine Feminine Self using your breath and intention.
  • You attract what you bring into your life by the vibration you are currently in from where you are currently in your life.

Like any relationship, a spiritual relationship with God/Spirit needs to be nurtured if you want to maintain a strong personal connection and get clear guidance.

"Being" – in relationship with yourself

  • 1 hour of journaling – this allows your thoughts to empty out, including your fears and dreams. They take shape on paper. It is important to take the time to go through the information that we write as our minds are going fast and our spirits are free to speak. 
  • I suggest you reread your writing each day as this is part of the process which brings forth more information, details and insight. 
  • Be sure to have a pen and make notes in the column on the page, where necessary, highlight the information, this is gold!

How To Get The Most Out of Your Journaling 

  • This is your private time. Make a physical space where you do this regularly and set a time that you appear and do this practice every day. Create a routine ensuring you won't be dissturbed.
  • Buy yourself a journal notebook that is just used for your journaling. The information is private and for your eyes only.

How To Journal – The Process

 Here is a breakdown of a three page process to use to guide your thoughts, originally inspired from the Morning Pages from "The Artist's Way" – Julia Cameron. I highly recommend this book, especially if you are wanting to reconnect with your creative self. 

  • Step One/Page One : Let It Go
  • Whatever your emotions get them all out onto the page here. This is a time to see how you are really feeling and what are your current challenges. Do this without filtering or judging the information that  is coming through. By surrendering to this process you acknowledge the lower vibrational feelings and emotions and allow these to be released.
  • Step Two/Page Two:The Wow In The Now
  • Once you feel cleared of any negative feelings or energy on page one..
  • Give your attention to gratitude for all the things in your life you are thankful for and acknowledge all the gifts and people in your life, do this in a prayerful meditative state. Give thanks for all that you enjoy, your friends, family, work and community.
  • Step Three/Page Three: Reach For The Miracle
  • If you keep going on the third page you will reach the area of what's coming in for you and what's new, what's exciting and the unlimited. This is where new ideas come through, solutions come in, and the answers to what you have been asking and praying for arrive and are revealed.
  • This exercise allows you to raise your vibration through pages one and two and now things that were literally right in front of you, and if I am honest, probably already existed, but I hadn't been open to seeing them or hadn't been aware, now they can become clear. There can often be a sense of relief to see what is possible come in.
  • This inspired energy is available to connect with during the rest of your day to inspire, motivate and support you for the rest of your day.

Ask Yourself The Following Suggested Journaling Prompting Questions:

  • What are my desires? Then organize your life around this.
  • Look at what's working and what's not working in your life.
  • Look at where you are starting from and look at where you want to go. Look for the gap and see if you can see the bridge to get you across.
  • Do I need to make better lifestyle choices, food, less coffee, more exercise, work out more? Make the necessary changes.
  • Is it time to take a trip? How can I make this happen?
  • How can I get more focused today to get more work done?
  • How can I earn a certain amount of money? Ask to be guided "How to"

Make sure you make time to reread the information at the end of the day. Highlighting the key information and creating an action plan for moving forward towards that goal.

Written by Sally

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