The universal language of Earth is symbology. Symbols, and pictures are the only way to communicate that everyone on earth understands. 

The creator of our universe is unbiased, and while utilizing the many languages of mankind, mostly uses symbolism to communicate because it cannot be misinterpreted. 

From animals and their attributes, to pictures and symbols - we can communicate through the aether by observing and connecting to the original foundations of Earth.

Tarot is technically the creator's language. And people who wanted to separate man from his creator made us feel as though it's bad.

Many people are afraid of the tarot, but don't realize that playing cards are based upon the tarot, with the joker being the fool and the 4 suits correlating with the four elements of the tarot.

This is an esoteric truth, and the tarot was hidden within playing cards during an era (victorian predominantly) when tarot readings were illegal.

The fears of the tarot still continue to this day in many people, though it truly is an illogical fear. As if a creator would be so immature as to ban images on a card.

The fear comes mostly from the tarot being accurate. "How can the tarot be so accurate? It must be demonic!", is what many people feel. But this can be easily explained.

The tarot works by a psychic using their gifts of connection to the divine and channelling that connection through the cards on behalf. This connection is invisible in the same way that wifi is. It works along electromagnetic fields. The information comes from the field of the individual seeking a reading. This field is then "shuffled" (transmuted) into the symbology of the cards to be read. 

There is nothing demonic about it. It comes from an understanding that everything is connected and is ultimately energy. Those seeking answers will find them, and that can come personally or through another (in this case a tarot reader).

Symbology is used in all cultures and has been around since the dawn of humanity. 

There is nothing to fear and everything to gain from receiving a tarot reading.

Written by Karissa

Getting to the point where you love yourself truly is like climbing a cliff face barefoot with no rope. If you’ve been hurt and betrayed or perhaps your childhood wasn’t that great, then the path to loving yourself can be one shaky step forward and a few shingle-sliding steps back. The stakes seem so high, one wrong decision and you could have to start all over. One blind choice and you could unravel.

Don’t look down. 

The Tarot can remind you to shine your valuable energy on yourself. To show self care and compassion and be your own champion. The cards fall and remind you to feed your passions, obey your intuition, take that creative risk, clear the swords from the heart, deal with sorrow, be imperfect and feel your power.

In the Ace of Cups a magnificent golden chalice is handed to you. A downward dove indicates divine love pouring universal energy into your cup and the five overflowing streams represent your senses. This cup is invaluable. It speaks of the seeds of great happiness, of experiences that make your heart swell with fullness. It’s the days when you feel blessed and lucky. It is filled with your sensory self. And I like to think of the Ace of Cups as a self love card. A spiritual card of truly feeling your value irrespective of accolades of failures. Your value as a spiritual being. Loving yourself is as simple as that. Loved simply because you exist, like a flower, or a tree. 

A chalice you carry with you everywhere. Being selective about what goes in and protecting the contents gained and garnered.

When the Queen of Cups holds her chalice it is filled with her experiences in love - all the facets. How she mothers and loves, all the sunsets and bush walks and long baths and right choices and lessons learned. Even the sweetness of grief is distilled in her chalice. The Queen of Cups will never let anyone knock her cup over again. It simply won’t happen. Though sometimes it does. 

There are many cards in the Tarot calling you to deepen your experience of self. Through knowing yourself, loving yourself - caring for your beautiful soul and sacred journey is perhaps why you are here on Earth. 

Love yourself.

Written by Southern Star

A traditional tarot card deck has 78 cards each with its own imagery and symbolism. Each card represents different aspects of life, situations or personal characteristics. When read as a spread or combination of cards, the cards become a tool to create a picture that tells a story that relates to the person who has asked for the reading. (querent). Every reading is different depending on the reader and the circumstances, but tarot cards are also a useful tool in offering insights and common-sense advice on the trials and excitements on this journey we call life.

Most readers start this journey curious to tap into their intuition and psychic abilities by giving and receiving simple tarot card readings with their friends and family.  Sometimes it is harder to read for friends and family and almost impossible to read for yourself than it is a complete stranger because you know them and have emotional expectations about the outcome. Whereas, with complete strangers it is actually quite surprising how perceptive people are when they are asked to give a reading for someone because the clues are always there; body language, verbal language and most people intuitively pick up the energy (vibes) of the people they are interacting with.

As with anything, the more you practice the better you become. Some readers are extremely intuitive and naturally gifted at reading the tarot cards because when they do a reading the cards ‘become alive’ and start interacting with each other and telling the story of the querent’s question. The most proficient tarot card readers are also gifted psychics and have the ability to ‘tune into guides’ and other information that goes beyond the five normal senses. Everyone has their own innate wisdom and the ability to be psychic or a tarot card reader depending on their desire and interest to create a practice that embraces this and brings it into their everyday life.

There are many different ways to read tarot cards, ranging from the simple to the complex. Starting with the basic yes / no spread, right up to using multiple cards to ask meaningful questions which takes the querent on a deep, introspective, spiritual and personal journey. The word spread in a tarot card reading means each card that is placed has a designated meaning, giving the reader an overview and the ability to use the cards in combination to create a story. The most common spreads are the three-card spread, the five-card spread and the Celtic Cross which uses ten cards.

There are many different tarot card or oracle decks which a reader may choose from, each with their own unique symbolism and messages. The reader will use the cards that will give them the most accurate and authentic information to share with their clients.

Written by Verna

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