Who is your soul mate? Is it the person you met at a gathering of friends recently? Is it your ex from a few years back — should you think about getting back together? What if it's someone you haven't even met yet? These are all questions that you might grapple with, and they're all questions that you can move towards answering with the help clairvoyant readings for love. We don't always operate with all the information we need. Sometimes, the real hints to what's going on in our lives are subtle, hidden, and arcane.

Someone with whom you have a relationship could be contributing tonnes of positive energy to your life, or they could become a sinkhole for negative feelings over time. Whether you want to know when you'll find love or what to do about a troubled relationship, you can always turn to love psychics for guidance. Pendragon Psychics & Tarot is a New Zealand-owned and operated provider of clairvoyant services and readings. From interpreting the astrological signs to reading Tarot or contacting the spiritual world, we have experienced and well-practised psychics on hand to help provide the insight you seek. Now you can have an easier time navigating the hurdles that life puts in your way as you look for love.


While scientists might speak of fact and theory, in life, we rarely work with absolute certainties. A clairvoyant, though, can help you develop a better sense of what the most likely possibilities are in your life. It might be a tip that love is just around the corner or a sensation that there will soon be a significant change in your life. Knowing what's coming can help you to prepare, while your readings can provide you with a sense of what signs to spot to know your love life is changing course.

We can learn incredible lessons from love, too, even if they are sometimes challenging. In some cases, you may not receive the exact answer you hoped to hear. Perhaps your life must diverge from someone important to you for your spirit to undergo deeper growth. Whatever the case may be, a Pendragon love psychic can help you decode the clues.

Uncover hidden passions or recognise it's time to move forward

Understanding the relationships in your life is rarely an easy task. If you're single and feeling lonely, the uncertainty of knowing when your fortunes might change can be a heavy burden to bear. With deep and impactful love psychic readings like those you'll find at Pendragon, though, you can lay that burden down. With easy payment options such as credit cards and PayPal available, plus a variety of very skilled clairvoyant readers, the answers you want to find are within reach. We encourage you to check out some of our testimonials and to view our available readers. When you're ready, explore your booking options or contact us directly for more options.

A traditional tarot card deck has 78 cards each with its own imagery and symbolism. Each card represents different aspects of life, situations or personal characteristics. When read as a spread or combination of cards, the cards become a tool to create a picture that tells a story that relates to the person who has asked for the reading. (querent). Every reading is different depending on the reader and the circumstances, but tarot cards are also a useful tool in offering insights and common-sense advice on the trials and excitements on this journey we call life.

Most readers start this journey curious to tap into their intuition and psychic abilities by giving and receiving simple tarot card readings with their friends and family.  Sometimes it is harder to read for friends and family and almost impossible to read for yourself than it is a complete stranger because you know them and have emotional expectations about the outcome. Whereas, with complete strangers it is actually quite surprising how perceptive people are when they are asked to give a reading for someone because the clues are always there; body language, verbal language and most people intuitively pick up the energy (vibes) of the people they are interacting with.

As with anything, the more you practice the better you become. Some readers are extremely intuitive and naturally gifted at reading the tarot cards because when they do a reading the cards ‘become alive’ and start interacting with each other and telling the story of the querent’s question. The most proficient tarot card readers are also gifted psychics and have the ability to ‘tune into guides’ and other information that goes beyond the five normal senses. Everyone has their own innate wisdom and the ability to be psychic or a tarot card reader depending on their desire and interest to create a practice that embraces this and brings it into their everyday life.

There are many different ways to read tarot cards, ranging from the simple to the complex. Starting with the basic yes / no spread, right up to using multiple cards to ask meaningful questions which takes the querent on a deep, introspective, spiritual and personal journey. The word spread in a tarot card reading means each card that is placed has a designated meaning, giving the reader an overview and the ability to use the cards in combination to create a story. The most common spreads are the three-card spread, the five-card spread and the Celtic Cross which uses ten cards.

There are many different tarot card or oracle decks which a reader may choose from, each with their own unique symbolism and messages. The reader will use the cards that will give them the most accurate and authentic information to share with their clients.

Written by Verna

Throughout your adult life, you’re likely to go through problems and uncertainties in your professional life. These issues can cause you stress and anxiety which can often lead to loss of sleep. You’ll toss and turn at night, wondering what you should do about a certain work situation or co-worker, or whether you should leave your current job for a new one. While your professional life is often one of excitement, it can also be one of immense stress and, sometimes, you just need someone to talk to who can offer insight into your situation. While friends and loved ones are an excellent source of conversation for these things, they can’t always understand your professional problems, especially if they’re not directly involved in your business or career. When your work life throws something at you that causes you to lose sleep, it’s helpful to request the insight of a clairvoyant and psychic in NZ.

Throughout history, psychics and clairvoyants have been powerful forces in society. While, at one time, they came with a negative connotation, psychic readings from a clairvoyant have become very popular in recent years. In fact, many celebrities and actors throughout the world employ psychics to help advise them on their personal and professional lives. At Pendragon Psychics & Tarot, we aim to help anyone who needs insight into their personal well-being, careers, relationships, and life paths. We offer in-depth, quick psychic readings over the phone with the goal of helping you sleep more soundly at night.


The worst thing you can do for your mental and spiritual health is to hold onto stresses and anxieties that are bothering you and keeping you up at night. Our team of psychic readers works every day to help people with their problems so that they can better their mental health and get a good night’s sleep. If you’re dealing with anxiety because of an impending change at work or an issue with a superior, let our team of dedicated professionals help you figure out what to do.

In addition to help with professional issues, our clairvoyant team also provides insight and advice for your love life, personal relationships, life path, and general well-being. You shouldn’t have to go through problems alone, and the thorough advice from a professional can help and have a positive effect on your mental health.

Available in NZ

Since our beginnings back in 1999, Pendragon has offered phone readings throughout all New Zealand. Instead of focusing on one NZ community via a physical location, we opted for a phone-based business so that we could help as many people as possible. Our team of psychics is entirely located in New Zealand, meaning that you’ll always talk to a local. Don’t give your private and personal information to someone overseas when you can speak to a trusted clairvoyant in your own community.

Better insight into your professional life is just a phone call away. Call 0900 99 399 or 0900 99 799 to speak with a reader today!

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