Ace of Cups - Love is the Word.

August 12, 2021

The Ace of Cups means a new beginning in love - a great love. The golden chalice is filled to overflowing with beauty and sensory pleasure and gorgeous good feelings. It represents a peak experience. 

The Ace of Cups is a spiritual card representing you being in flow with spirit - and so the Ace of Cups isn’t just about romantic love but all love. The whole shebang. Family love, friendship love, self love and also the full spectrum of the other emotions like contentment and gratitude.

It can be a card of awakening, setting yourself on a new path of wisdom in love. In flow, in harmony, in divine timing - in love with yourself and feeling you’re on the right track. 

It represents happy days ahead.

With a full new cup you’re  able to handle things, get on with things, if used wisely. Or you might just wander around being inspired and uplifted by the sound of the rain on the tin roof and the pleasure of a jam jar stuffed with daisies. It’s about communing with the sacred part of yourself, being a conduit for sacred love,  and radiating that glow to your world and beyond in recognition of our intrinsic oneness. It stands as a symbol for love being the foundation for all life. That it isn’t just laws and logic that makes the world go round. 

Like all aces, this card represents the spark or seed of a new beginning and as such must be nurtured and protected. It is vulnerable to disregard. 

When the Ace of Cups turns up you are about to be tuned in and turned on to a project or a person or subject that thrills you. You’re going to feel really good. The Ace of Cups is the birth of a great love of some kind. It is a kind of holy grail. It is for the mystics and lovers, the poets and humanitarians. It is charged with inspiration and is great for activating works of art, and of course, it indicates for some -  a new delicious lover.

Written by Southern Star

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